
3050 Hillcrest Drive, Alta Vista, Whistler

Alta Vista Pointe

Alta Vista Pointe

Alta Vista Pointe is in a fantastic location very close to lakes, trails and both Creekside and the Village. Lakeside Park is just a four-minute walk away.

Alta Vista Pointe recently had a new roof installed and offers both open and underground parking. There is a mix of full time residents and weekenders.

Long term rentals are permitted in Alta Vista Pointe.

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About this Townhome in Alta Vista, Whistler


102 - 3050 Hillcrest Drive

Alta Vista | Whistler

Listed by Whistler Real Estate Company Limited

MLS® Reciprocity Brought to you by your friendly REALTORS® through the MLS® System, courtesy of BrixWork for Realtors for your convenience.
Disclaimer: This representation is based in whole or in part on data generated by the Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board, Fraser Valley Real Estate Board or Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver which assumes no responsibility for its accuracy.

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